Monday, December 31, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

the rainbow connection

Couldn't resist one more....

Sal' World -- Is it the end, or only the beginning

Tiny Frogs
From: SINGHA, 2 weeks ago

very inspirational must see

SlideShare Link

Yes, indeed I have had fun, and learnt a lot along the way. I realise that this program has taken an extensive amount of time to complete and most of this has been done in my (and other library staff's across Victoria's) own time; but I think in this day and age we have to be prepared to give and take and make the effort to step out of our comfort zones and take the time to look at the fascinating technology there is available to us out there.

On behalf of the Corangamite Regional Library Corporation thank you to all stakeholders involved with the implementation of this program which has provided us with such valuable learning opportunities.

I enjoyed taking time out to work, rest & play!

Sal's World (signing off for now ~ but I'll be back!)

The end is in sight (Audio Books)

Yes.....indeed the end is in sight....but there is still a little way to go....

So let's chat about Audio Books / e-books....

Initially I had some difficulty with loading software on to my home computer....both for podcasts and audio books.....but upon persevering I made it and have been happy listening to e-books ever since (not to mention music and various other information available to me on podcasts - but that was the last exercise).

I have found the World Ebook Fair site incredible and have added it and tagged several other sites in delicious. I listened to The Emperor's New Clothes (which I had a colouring book of as a child), The tales of Peter Rabbit - just for fun, and The Brother Grimms "The Mouse, the Bird and the sausage (beware of all I can say - and if you're a sausage beware of the Dog!)

I haven't signed up on this occasion but I think it may well be worth my while in the future hence adding links to delicious.

Friday, November 16, 2007


The potential benefits for libraries incorporating podcasts into our service provision are many. Podcasts can obviously be a great way to communicate information to our library users. Users are able to save content digitally; they can then take this information away on their portable application and listen to it at their convenience.

Some examples I have looked at within the Yahoo Directory show that podcasts can provide a medium for children and adults alike to be able to share their opinions and ideas about their favorite books, inform others of upcoming programs and events, and be able to deliver it all to a wide audience in a convenient and inexpensive way. Podcasts can assist library staff as it helps us keep in touch with people in our communites who engage in the use of futuristic technology. Podcasting is a hit among young people and provides them with the opportunity to practice digital recording, mixing and mastering skills.

Podcasts are for everyone - you just have to look around you on trains, watch people out walking, those with car hand's free connections that listen while they drive......

Now let's see if I'm clever enough to be able to attach one to my blog?

Visit the podcast blog!

mmm.....not quite?......but I now have Gilford Public Library's Podcasts added to my Bloglines Feeds... and I am sure there are still more reasons for their introduction and usage in our libraries.